Note: all email contacts below are forwarded via our web hosting company. Unfortunately, mail forwarding can be unreliable at times, so if you receive no acknowledgement, please re-try.
- Branch Chair, Branch Secretary, GBG Submissions Co-ordinator, Young Member Contact and Social Media Co-ordinator
Andy Edwardsku.gro.armac.erihsehchtron@riahc
Andy Edwards is the Branch Chair from the 2020 AGM. Click to see the North Cheshire CAMRA Facebook page. Click to see the Branch Instagram account.
- Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Vice-Chair
Jim Reddihoughku.gro.armac.erihsehchtron@pihsrebmem
- Beer Scores Co-ordinator Ray Headku.gro.armac.erihsehchtron@buptahw
- Pub Data Co-ordinator, LocAle Co-ordinator Ray Headku.gro.armac.erihsehchtron@buptahw
- Twitter Co-ordinator and Pub Promotions & Awards co-ordinator
Mark Stevensonku.gro.armac.erihsehchtron@deefswen
Send any local news to Mark who edits the Branch Twitter feed displayed on our home page. Click here to see the latest branch Twitter.
- Website Co-ordinator
Rob Almquistku.gro.armac.erihsehchtron@retsambew
Webmaster for this site. Contact Rob for any query or suggestion about the website.
- Core Branch Committee Members Andrew Perryku.gro.armac.erihsehchtron@1hcnarberoc