North Cheshire

CAMRA Member Discount Schemes

Reduced Price beer for CAMRA members!

Many pubs (and several Pub Groups) across Britain already offer CAMRA card-carrying members discounts on the real ales they sell. CAMRA have launched a national scheme which will help these pubs, and hopefully some new pubs, to clearly promote these offers to CAMRA members resulting in hopefully more trade.

CAMRA members should look for the window sticker telling them that the pub offers CAMRA members a discount.

The discount is at the discretion of the pub and can be as little or as large as the pub feels suits their business.

Being a CAMRA member carries many advantages including cheaper beer as well as a fist-full of 50p off a pint vouchers for use at locally at Wetherspoons and Stonegate pubs plus the Helter Skelter in Frodsham, 8 pubs in all in North Cheshire's branch area. 25 or so for Cheshire as a whole. We expect to see this list grow.

Which pubs can participate in the scheme?

All real ale pubs can participate in this scheme.

To check which pubs offer the a discount locally, or accept the CAMRA membership vouchers then :

1. Go to WhatPub

2. On the initial screen search for the place in which you are interested (e.g. Warrington), leaving the default 'Search only for pubs and clubs that serve real ale' box checked. This displays all pubs within a 10k radius. Alternatively start with 'North Cheshire' to bring up all the pubs in the branch area, or 'Cheshire' for all pubs in the county.

3. In 'Filter by features' on the right of the display of pub names check 'real ale available' and 'Member discount scheme' or 'CAMRA Voucher Scheme' only. Uncheck all other boxes. This will reduce the number of pubs displayed.

4. Then click on the name of the pub for more details.

5. To check the real discount offered or any restrictions scroll down to see the discount details, including any restrictions on the times the deal applies: if there are restrictions on discounts offered, these appear in the 'Features' section under 'CAMRA Voucher Scheme' or 'Member Discount Scheme'.

If you know of any other pubs that offer such discounts or accept the CAMRA membership vouchers, or if you are landlord of a pub that wants to join the discount scheme, please let us know: email Pub Protection Officers.

So why not join us and enjoy the money off?